Congratulations parents, you’ve done it! Your kids are going back to school in about a month, so you no longer have to worry about keeping your kids safe and entertained during their summer break. Soon you will be able to go back to focusing on work and reestablishing...
What are primitive reflexes? Primitive reflexes are involuntary movements performed by newborns and infants during their first year of life. These reflexes allow babies to learn and create the proper connections in their brains. Many primitive reflexes are expected to...
Scoliosis is medical condition defined as a type of structural change to the body where there is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. There are multiple different types of scoliosis, and each type is named based on how and when in life it develops. These types...
What is Vertigo? Vertigo is the sensation of motion, spinning or losing your balance that is often associated with looking down from a great height. When a person experiences vertigo symptoms while not at a great height, it is often believed that there is an issue...
Being pregnant, especially being pregnant for the first time, can be quite a journey. From the get-go, you may start to feel changes in your body, such as breast tenderness, face swelling, and fatigue. As your pregnancy progresses and your belly starts to grow, you...
You may have heard talk lately of text neck on the news or from friends and there is good cause for the increased attention. This modern condition is becoming more and more common, creating cause for concern for all of us who regularly use our personal...
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